Articles with training

Decision-Making Under Stress—19 Factors to Consider

When confronted by a criminal or terrorist deadly force threat, human performance experiences extreme stress, affecting the potential victim’s self-defensive cognitive, physical, and emotional ability.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Chart: The Spectrum of Potential Threat Personas in Self-Defense and Church Security ]

Police veteran, founder of Critical Incident Review, and use-of-force expert Jamie Borden, explains in his book, Anatomy of a Critical Incident: Navigating Controversy, the many critical factors that must be taken into consideration when evaluating police officer behavior in these highly complex encounters.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, The 5 Elements of Self-Defense Law ]

Law enforcement officers are the book’s target audience, but the following split-second decision-making elements excerpted from the book also apply to responsibly armed self-defense citizens and church security team volunteers facing life-and-death conditions. Where the word “officer” is located in the book, it is replaced with [defender] in this excerpt:

[ Read SemperVerus articles on the topic of CHURCH SECURITY ]

• Tunnel Vision — The phenomenon where a [defender] becomes narrowly, visually focused on a specific threat, potentially missing other critical elements of the situation.

• Auditory Exclusion — A temporary inability to process or encode certain sounds, often due to high stress, which can lead to missed commands or critical background noises. This is not an individual going deaf; rather just not encoding or filtering the audible stimulus, affecting the ability to recall later. The question becomes: not was the sound audible in the evidence, rather, was the sound perceived or heard by the [defender].

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Concealed Carry Daily Prayer ]


Church Security Armament Recommendations By Tom Givens, John Correia, and 6 Other Professionals

SemperVerus asked 8 firearms training professionals for their recommendations as to what they consider to be optimal for church security team volunteers to carry while on duty, having as their objective to protect others rather than concerning their own everyday self-defense.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Church Security Training: Decision Decks Help You Think Through a Crisis Before It Happens ]

Every one of the questioned professionals stresses the absolute #1 prioritization of obtaining ongoing defensive mindset and quality skill training as the primary requirement before considering what guns and gear should be used. It’s not the weapon that makes the defender succeed; it’s the defender’s superior training and mental acuity. Once that is understood, they offer their equipment recommendations.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Prayer for Church Security Team Members ]

The categories to which the professionals responded are:

  • Brand of firearm
  • Style (full size/duty size, compact, subcompact, micro compact, pocket, etc.)
  • Optics/Sights (red dot, reflex, night sights, 3-dot sights, black out rear site, fiber optic, tritium, etc.)
  • Carry method (IWB, OWB, appendix, shoulder, pocket, ankle, off-body, etc.)
  • Action Type (revolver, semi-auto)
  • Action (single, double, DA/SA, hammer, striker, etc.)
  • External Safety: (yes, no)
  • Magazine (single stack, double stack)
  • Magazine Capacity
  • Number of Extra Magazines
  • Caliber
  • Ammo Brand
  • Weapon Mounted Light (yes, no)

[ Read SemperVerus articles on the topic of AMMO ]

Click each of the following names to view their recommendations:

What to Take to the Shooting Range—Including a Prayer

Whether you go to the shooting range to qualify for volunteering on your church security team or to train to improve your personal armed self-defense skills, you go to increase your defensive marksmanship to be consistently accurate.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Firearms Training: A Directory of Shooting Drills ]

The more you train, the more you become proficient in handling firearms and the safer you are as a defender, because you know you are responsible for every bullet that leaves your gun.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, The 4 Basic Rules of Gun Safety ]

The time you spend at the range is not an expense, it’s an investment, since…

Don’t Be a Victim of Crime: Learn How to Refuse To Be A Victim®

The national award-winning personal safety program, Refuse To Be A Victim®, developed by the National Rifle Association (NRA), presents practical, easy-to-understand preventative strategies you can use to avoid situations where self-defense may be required.

Experts agree the single most important step you can take to ensure your personal safety is to make the decision to refuse to be a victim.

This 4-hour (or less) classroom instruction seminar focuses on teaching you proactive courses of action, rather than reactive. By making yourself a more difficult target to prey upon, you lessen your risk of a criminal attack. That means having a personal safety strategy in place before you need it.

Basic Principles of Crime Prevention:

  • Always Be Aware of Your Surroundings
  • Trust Your Instincts
  • Always Have a Personal Safety Strategy in Place
  • Take a Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Situational Awareness: 14 Ways to Walk Like You Drive ]

Firearm training is not part of the Refuse To Be A Victim curriculum. The NRA has other courses that focus on firearm training and can be taken separately. Instruction in physical combat is also not part of the curriculum.

The seminar teaches lessons about common weaknesses that criminals may take advantage of, and presents a variety of corrective measures that are practical, inexpensive, and easy to follow.

The Refuse To Be A Victim seminar covers topics that pertain to everyone; it’s appropriate for young adults to senior citizens. The program materials also include a special module for parents, which discusses safety tips for children ages pre-school to high school.