Articles with leadership

SemperVerus Named In Top 40 of Feedspot’s List of Tactical Blogs

See Feedspot's top 60 Tactical BlogsUsing search and social metrics on Google and media platforms, Feedspot has declared SemperVerus number 37 among the top 60 Tactical Blogs on the internet.

According to Feedspot, the judging criteria include a blog’s

  • Relevancy
  • Freshness (frequency of posting)
  • Domain authority
  • Google reputation and Google search ranking
  • Influence and popularity on social media sites
  • Quality and consistency of posts and
  • The assessment of Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review.

Feedspot’s review of SemperVerus is: “An impressive blog with high quality and useful content.”

SemperVerus (meaning Stay True) is your catalyst to inform, inspire, persuade, impel, and invigorate; sparking you to positive action through 5 main strategic principles—prepare, aware, be, know, do—and 1 tactical element (self-defense). Bookmark this SemperVerus blog homepage and return often to read the latest helpful articles. And enter your email address into the box on this page to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

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Dedication and the Way of Perseverance

In The MagLife Blog article titled “Dedication,” author and defensive tactics subject matter expert Steve Tarani says, “Success is commonly and rightfully attributed to dedication.” While a parallel word for dedication is commitment, a stronger one is the word perseverance.

“…perseverance [produces] character and character, hope.” Romans 5:4

Tarani suggests the characteristics of perspective, mental engagement, and prowess are three approaches that hone dedication (or perseverance) in a person’s life.

Leadership Qualities of the Peanuts Cartoon Characters

Read this article to learn how Charlie Brown and his companions exhibit leadership qualitiesCharlie Brown is the principal character of the comic strip Peanuts, globally syndicated in daily and Sunday newspapers. He’s commonly known as a “lovable loser,” but Michael Gips, JD, CPP, principal of Global Insights in Professional Security, writes in his article, “You’re a Good Leadership Lesson, Charlie Brown” published in Security magazine, that, when closely analyzed, the Peanuts characters can offer key leadership traits for us to emulate.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Jeff Cooper’s Principles of Personal Defense ]

His suggestions are:

  • Charlie Brown: kindness, optimism, and perseverance
  • Linus: listening skills, intelligence, faith, and compassion
  • Lucy: confidence, curiosity, and bias for action
  • Snoopy: imagination, creativity, and duty
  • Schroeder: servant leadership, focus, and passion.

As a member of the SemperVerus Brotherhood™, how are you progressing with your personal leadership development?

Read the article in full.

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How Does Your Character Measure Up?

One of the 5 identifying traits of the SemperVerus Brotherhood is a commitment to “BE,” which means continually developing a rich personal leadership character of exemplary moral and ethical quality.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Secure Your Base (Your Soul) ]

An article on The Art of Manliness website captures the idea. It’s an excerpt from The ROTC Infantry Manual, published in 1942. Here are a few of the listed and defined qualities:

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Be Like Ernest Shackleton ]

  • Self-Control
  • Honor, Uprightness, and Truthfulness
  • Justice, Fairness, Impartiality
  • Willingness to Accept Responsibility
  • Initiative and Vision
  • Decisiveness, Resoluteness, and Perseverance
  • Earnestness
  • Courage, Moral and Physical
  • Alertness, Quick Thinking, Presence of Mind

How are you measuring up?

[ Read SemperVerus articles on the topic of Being ]

Invite SemperVerus® to present its 5 life-changing success-generating components—prepare, aware, be, know, do—to your organization to inspire and motivate your members.

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