Articles with interviews

Tactical Training for Individuals and Church Security Teams to Thwart Active Violence Incidents (Part 1)

SemperVerus interviewed Del Kostanko, who founded Blue Arrow Consultants, LLC believing that individuals, church security teams, and businesses utilizing threat assessment knowledge to make a location more secure—and to prepare people for what dangers may occur—can lessen the need for force, reduce the chance of physical harm, and minimize liability. Also interviewed below is the former security team leader of a Michigan church who asked Blue Arrow Consultants to train his team.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Tactical Training for Individuals and Church Security Teams to Thwart Active Violence Incidents (Part 2) ]

With your extensive background in the Marine Corps, and as a police sergeant, tactician in hundreds of high-risk operations, and trainer of police officers in how to respond to Active Violence Incidents, why did you form Blue Arrow Consultants?
I discovered that tactical training for Concealed Pistol License (CPL) holders is rare, and very expensive. There are numerous CPL trainers in Michigan for people to get their permits to carry, and they do an excellent job, but there is less of an opportunity for those with their CPL to go to the next level. Through progressive training classes, I take them to the next level. My students learn invaluable skills to address threats more quickly, and efficiently, to better protect themselves, their loved ones, and the public.

Interview with Kevin Robertson, Director of Security at Saddleback Church

SemperVerus interviewed Kevin Robertson, director of security at Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California, and author of the books Church Security 101 and 201: Creating a Safe Worship Environment (Purpose Driven Communications, 2014 and 2019).

[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Prayer for Church Security Team Members ]

Why is it important for a church of any size to have a security team?
I believe it should be a foundational ministry. There are many ways for us—church leadership—to be good stewards. Keeping those God put under our care, as well taking care of the “tools”—items we use daily: laptops, pens, copiers, electronics—is also stewardship. I liken a security ministry at a church to one’s fire insurance policy at their home. We hope and pray it will never be needed, but if we need it, we want to have it in place.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, New Edition of Hostility Against Churches Report Shows a Doubling of Attacks ]

Why do you emphasize that a security team is a ministry of the church?
I tell people that God truly knew what he was doing: taking a former cop, turning him into a pastor and head of security at a church. This gives me the blessing of being able to see church security through both “lenses;” from a law enforcement standpoint and equally from a pastoral standpoint. Church security is a totally different thing than security on the streets. I used to interview each potential security staff or security volunteer. In the start of the meeting, I’d tell them, “I’ve got a question for you and it’s the most important one.” Afterwards, they would typically tell me they thought I was going to ask them something tactical, or are they willing to go hands on. What I asked them is, “Are you willing to pray with someone?” Now I want you to be safe, and pray with your eyes open. But this is something, off and on, God puts someone in our path and we’ll need to pray for them.

“Most Terrorists Are Terrifyingly Normal,” Says Former Intelligence Officer

In a wide-ranging interview on The James Altucher Show, former military intelligence officer and court expert on terrorism, Tom Quiggin, talked about the psychological aspects of a terrorist and other topics that have bearing, not only on national security, but which can also be adapted to help inform personal self-defense and church security.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Chart: The Spectrum of Potential Threat Personas in Self-Defense and Church Security ]

The big take-away of this conversation is Quiggin’s warning that terrorists (and anyone with nefarious intentions) can easily be lost in a crowd, appearing to the average person to be normal and innocent. As a self-defense reminder, it’s an ominous admonition to remain ever vigilant and situationally aware to sharpen your skill of discernment so you’re prepared to handle potential threats.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Situational Awareness: 14 Ways to Walk Like You Drive ]

Here are some highpoints of the interview:

Church Security Training: Decision Decks Help You Think Through a Crisis Before It Happens

Here’s a simple way to prepare your mindset for the unexpected!

[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Prayer for Church Security Team Members ]

Whether personal self-defense or serving on your church security team, anticipating potential threats is a crucial skill we must hone as rigorously as we sharpen our defensive shooting accuracy in the time we spend at the range.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Chart: The Spectrum of Potential Threat Personas in Self-Defense and Church Security ]

One way to accomplish this is with Decision Decks, five packs of cards—60 scenario cards per pack—to enhance situational awareness problem solving and decision making abilities, created by Simon Osamoh, founder and president of Kingswood Security Consulting and the Worship Security Academy, and former head of counter-terrorism at Mall of America, Minnesota, where he oversaw the internationally-recognized behavior threat assessment team.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Interview with Simon Osamoh of Kingswood Security Consulting ]

You already know about the benefits of dry-fire training in the comfort of your home; in the same manner, Decision Decks are pre-crisis mental workouts you can contemplate anywhere to sharpen your readiness.