Church Security Armament Recommendations By Tom Givens, John Correia, and 6 Other Professionals
SemperVerus asked 8 firearms training professionals for their recommendations as to what they consider to be optimal for church security team volunteers to carry while on duty, having as their objective to protect others rather than concerning their own everyday self-defense.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Church Security Training: Decision Decks Help You Think Through a Crisis Before It Happens ]
Every one of the questioned professionals stresses the absolute #1 prioritization of obtaining ongoing defensive mindset and quality skill training as the primary requirement before considering what guns and gear should be used. It’s not the weapon that makes the defender succeed; it’s the defender’s superior training and mental acuity. Once that is understood, they offer their equipment recommendations.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Prayer for Church Security Team Members ]
The categories to which the professionals responded are:
- Brand of firearm
- Style (full size/duty size, compact, subcompact, micro compact, pocket, etc.)
- Optics/Sights (red dot, reflex, night sights, 3-dot sights, black out rear site, fiber optic, tritium, etc.)
- Carry method (IWB, OWB, appendix, shoulder, pocket, ankle, off-body, etc.)
- Action Type (revolver, semi-auto)
- Action (single, double, DA/SA, hammer, striker, etc.)
- External Safety: (yes, no)
- Magazine (single stack, double stack)
- Magazine Capacity
- Number of Extra Magazines
- Caliber
- Ammo Brand
- Weapon Mounted Light (yes, no)
[ Read SemperVerus articles on the topic of AMMO ]
Click each of the following names to view their recommendations:
- Tom Givens
- John Correia
- Kris P. Moloney
- Steve Moses
- Stephen P. Wenger
- Keith Graves
- Del Kostanko
- Matt Witte
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Checklist: Church Security/Safety Equipment ]
TOM GIVENS, Owner, Founder, and Lead Trainer of Rangemaster
“This is disappointing, but it’s the norm. You asked a ton of irrelevant questions about gear, that will actually matter very little. Not one question about training or qualifications, which are absolutely vital.
“Jack Wilson was highly trained, had competed with handgun, and shot an active shooter who was moving among innocent congregants at almost 15 yards distance. No one else was hurt by Wilson’s cool judgement and accurate fire.
“At a megachurch in Houston not long after that, a poorly trained and poorly skilled security team member shot at an active shooter at the same distance and missed that person by several feet, [severely wounding] an innocent five-year-old child.
“Both shooters had what we think of as full size service pistols in serious calibers. The equipment was not the determining factor in success vs. failure. Until church security team members get out of these pointless debates about gear and get some quality training, they should not be carrying any firearm among a throng of scared, moving no-shoots. Untrained, unskilled but armed members are a greater threat to the congregation than are the shooters they are ostensibly there to address.”
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Self-Defense and Church Security: Proper Firearm Defense in a Crowd ]
JOHN CORREIA, President and Founder of Active Self Protection
• BRAND: Obviously, as HK’s senior brand ambassador, I really prefer HK. But really, any of the quality-tier brands (HK, Glock, Sig Sauer, CZ, Smith & Wesson, Walther) will do fine.
• STYLE: Remember, for the church safety environment, taking longer shots is a normal and expected outcome. Jack Wilson had a 15-yard shot; the recent killer at Lakewood Church was hit from almost 35 yards. Those kinds of shots are very difficult from pocket or micro guns. I personally carry a full size gun with me everywhere, though that might not be optimal for someone with small hands or a small frame. But a gun that you can get both hands on it and shoot it well at fairly extreme distances out to say 40-50 yards is optimal.
• OPTICS/SIGHTS: In 2024 there are few reasons not to be using a quality pistol mounted optic. Stick to the major quality brands such as Trijicon, Aimpoint, or Holosun. Notch-and-post sights of any kind are very difficult to use at the kind of distances that church active killers are engaged, though a true expert can do work with them of course. But let’s remember that “true expert” is a designation that almost certainly doesn’t apply to the vast majority of those carrying in church on a safety team, and delusions do not help. If you can’t shoot the FBI pistol qualification with a 100% score on command, it’s not you for sure (even if you can, it might not be).
• CARRY METHOD: I strongly recommend carrying on the waist either strong side or AIWB (Appendix-Inside-the-Waist-Band). Pocket carry doesn’t work for the size of gun you need in a setting like church. Off-body is a no, because of safety concerns. Shoulder carry is problematic but can work if that’s the only means you have.
• ACTION TYPE: For the vast majority of people in 2024 the right answer is a quality semi-auto pistol. Not that a revolver cannot work, but its limitations really come to light in the church active killer problem.
• ACTION: Totally a matter of personal preference. I love HK’s hybrid trigger, personally. But any of them can work if the user does the work to master them.
• EXTERNAL SAFETY: I am not a fan of external safeties on carry guns. That said, if the gun you carry is equipped with one it should be used. The sole exception is a gun that can either be decocked or kept on safe, which I would recommend the decocked option.
• MAGAZINE SIZE: Totally depends on hand size of the person.
• MAGAZINE CAPACITY: There are only two times you have too much ammo onboard: (1) when you are on fire; (2) when you are drowning. I think a standard capacity firearm (say 13 or more) is more than sufficient. Of course, if legislative limits exist in your area, you do what you can.
• EXTRA MAGAZINES: I have never seen a private citizen use an extra magazine in any capacity in a real gunfight, though in the Lakewood Church active killer they wouldn’t engage or close and therefore the officer went through a magazine and used a reload.
• CALIBER: The caliber wars are over. 9mm has won.
• AMMO BRAND: If your choice isn’t Federal HST or Speer Gold Dot for defensive ammunition, I want to know why. Those two are the standard by which all others are currently measured. Avoid boutique rounds.
• WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHT: Not wrong per se, but not necessary.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Active Self Protection Self-Defense Checklists and Acronyms ]
KRIS P. MOLONEY, Founder and Trainer of Sheepdog Church Security and Sheepdog Church Security Academy and author of the book Defending the Flock
• BRAND: I recommend Glock, Sig Sauer, and HK for their reliability, simplicity, and ease of maintenance—key traits when lives depend on a firearm’s performance.
• STYLE: A compact or full-size firearm offers the right balance between concealability and shootability. Compact models are ideal for those needing better concealment, while full-size options work well for those prioritizing accuracy and magazine capacity.
• OPTICS/SIGHTS: I suggest using red dot optics for quick target acquisition or tritium night sights for visibility in low-light environments. Both options are particularly beneficial in dimly lit worship spaces.
• CARRY METHOD: Inside-the-Waistband (IWB) or Outside-the-Waistband (OWB) are the most practical options. IWB provides discreet concealment, while OWB offers comfort during extended periods. Avoid off-body carry to ensure immediate access to the firearm.
• ACTION TYPE: Semi-automatic firearms are ideal for their higher capacity and faster reloads compared to revolvers.
• ACTION: A striker-fired pistol is preferred for its consistent trigger pull and reduced risk of accidental discharge.
• EXTERNAL SAFETY: I recommend no external manual safety to avoid fumbling under stress. Proper training and a quality holster mitigate safety concerns.
• MAGAZINE SIZE: A double-stack magazine provides the necessary capacity for potential multiple-threat scenarios.
• MAGAZINE CAPACITY: I suggest 15–17 rounds, which balances capacity with practicality for a concealed firearm.
• EXTRA MAGAZINES: Carrying at least two extra magazines ensures readiness for prolonged engagements or unforeseen situations.
• CALIBER: The 9mm caliber is optimal due to its balance of stopping power, manageable recoil, and higher magazine capacity.
• AMMO BRAND: Trusted brands like Federal HST, Speer Gold Dot, and Hornady Critical Duty are excellent choices for their consistent performance and proven effectiveness.
• WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHT: A weapon-mounted light is a must-have for identifying targets in low-light environments, helping to prevent accidental discharges on non-threats.
• HOLSTER QUALITY: Use a high-quality holster that covers the trigger guard and ensures proper firearm retention.
• TRAINING: Regular practice with the firearm, holster, and carry method is essential for building confidence and muscle memory under stress. Church-specific drills are particularly valuable.
• MEDICAL KIT: Carry or have access to a trauma kit to address injuries until EMS arrives.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Church Security Book Review: Defending the Flock ]
STEVE MOSES, Director of Training at Palisade Training Group
• OVERVIEW: My personal experience in both running and developing church security teams brings me to believe that there are multiple acceptable firearms and sighting systems for the simple reason that persons on the average team vary widely in terms of age, physical build, clothing preference, hand size and strength, visual acuity, skill, and experience.
• BRAND | • ACTION TYPE | • ACTION: I prefer striker-fired handguns made by HK, Sig Sauer, Glock, and Smith & Wesson in 9mm. The number one reason for this is these are the handguns I see the most in classes that I teach and over the decades the majority of them are reliable, user-friendly, and easy to shoot.
• STYLE: In reference to size, I prefer the largest pistol that I can both conceal easily and shoot well. For the most part these are compact pistols with a slide length between 3.5 and 4 inches. There are exceptions for some people in which sub-compact and full-size handguns are the better choice.
• OPTICS/SIGHTS: I am really picky when it comes to sights. In my opinion, red dot sights are preferable for team members who are already skilled in their use. Not only are they more visible in low light but they allow the member in the act of engaging an active shooter to gather in more information about what is around that person in an environment in which a miss could be catastrophic. I am paranoid that a team member who is not skilled in their use and under stress might succumb to pressure and shoot at an armed threat whether they can find the dot or not. My preference for them would be pistols equipped with a black rear sight and a front sight that contains a bright green, yellow, or red luminescent outline with a tritium dot. The bottom line is that the front sight should be visible in low light or when superimposed on a deadly threat wearing dark clothes.
• CARRY METHOD: My choice for holsters would be IWB worn either at the hip or in what is commonly referred to as the appendix position depending upon whether or not I am wearing a closed garment or an open sport coat or suit jacket. Handguns carried in properly designed holsters in these positions tend to hug the body and are less likely to be dislodged from the holster during a scuffle.
• MAGAZINE SIZE | • MAGAZINE CAPACITY |• EXTRA MAGAZINES: For church security I want magazines that contain as much ammunition as possible. My first choice would be at least 15 rounds, with the understanding that handguns like the Glock 48 holds 10. I do not expect to get caught in an extended firefight while working church security but regardless would prefer to carry at least two magazines.
• CALIBER: For me, 9mm is the gold standard for church security. It has light recoil, is accurate, and works well when it hits one of the zones of neutralization. A seldom considered plus is that target ammunition is relatively affordable, which means there is no good reason to not train with it on a regular basis.
• AMMO BRAND: I prefer Speer Gold Dot, Federal HST, and Hornaday Critical Defense largely because they usually expand and penetrate as advertised (not always), and the fact that their quality control is probably about as good as it gets.
• WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHT: I think there is a place for weapon-mounted lights (“WML”) for teams that work in churches that have evening services or special events that end after dark. Right after a defensive shooting in the parking lot there remains the possibility that the fight may resume, and a WML allows me to momentarily free up my support hand to perform a task while still being able to see what is going on.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Church Shooting Analysis Reports ]
STEPHEN P. WENGER, Creator and Editor of spwenger’s Defensive Use of Firearms and author of the free book Defensive Use of Firearms
• OVERVIEW: A major confounding variable is the level of training and experience among the volunteers. A case that comes to mind is the 2019 defense of the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas. The murderer was neutralized very quickly with a head shot at about 20 yards by the very skilled leader of the security team. Simultaneously, a few other volunteers drew guns and several innocent members of the congregation were crossed as some of those muzzles were waved around. The combined violation of Rules Two and Three can be disastrous.
I am a contrarian in the gun world. It is common to recommend that people carry the gun that they shoot best at the range. Inasmuch as carry guns get handled a lot more than they get fired outside controlled conditions of the range, I don’t believe that everyone ought to be carrying pistols with short-stroke triggers and no thumb safety.
Then there’s the potential stratification of volunteer assignments. Those stationed in the relatively confined areas of a vestibule, for example, may be adequately armed with a six- or seven-shot .38/.357 revolver while those who may be required to take shots at longer distances may do better with a pistol with a short-stroke trigger and larger ammunition capacity. (Of course, an occasional congregation may have a retired cop or PPC (Precision Pistol Competition) shooter who can shoot a DA (double action) revolver more accurately than a pistol at longer distances.)
• BRAND | • STYLE: I would expect most volunteer teams to be motley groups (I believe that some LDS wards and a few large churches limit membership to serving and retired LEO’s). That said, unless local LE expresses a preference for all team member to use the same model of firearm to aid in recognition, I’d argue that “one size” does not fit all. Over the years, Taurus has had issues with the drop safety of some of their polymer-frame pistols, as did SIG with the early, non-military version of the P320. From personal observation not all owners of such guns have been aware of the recalls and “voluntary product upgrades.” If only for liability protection, it would probably be advisable to have a certified armorer or gunsmith verify good working order or at least have a knowledgeable team member perform periodic function tests.
I assume that those who volunteer are already gun owners, with varying degrees of proficiency. While some gum owners—foolishly, in my opinion—rotate guns and carry mode with the season, I believe that it would be foolish to ask a team member to carry a gun different from the one to which he is accustomed. A hit with a .380 is better than a miss with a 9mm. Arguably, a person who carries a subcompact version of a pistol should be able to operate a larger version of the same gun but, if an “upgrade” is deemed necessary for team duty, I would prefer to see that team member use that gun for daily carry.
• OPTICS/SIGHTS: I am wary of RDOs because of the potential for failure and would want a gun so equipped to offer ready transition to iron sights. Some newer pistol models offer that by using a taller front sight designed for use with a suppressor. Tritium sights have shorter lifespans than one would expect from the roughly 12-year half-life of tritium so anyone choosing that option should be prepared for periodic replacement. At that, if there’s not enough light—including spillover from a flashlight—to see the sights, there’s probably not enough light for positive target identification. There are some fiber-optic sights that are illuminated by tritium bulbs but most become difficult to see without overhead light, and are susceptible to damage by impact and some cleaning solvents.
• CARRY METHOD: The same comments about varying guns apply to varying modes of carry. This is a topic that I discuss extensively on my website’s Holster Selection page but I will note that, if the ankle is raised toward the hand, ankle carry—for those who can tolerate it—may allow a surreptitious draw while seated in a pew. Team members who are at risk for getting into physical struggles (e.g., those at entryways) are likely better served by carrying in a holster that will retain the gun in a struggle. Note that shoulder holsters and cross-draw holsters offer the grip of the gun to an assailant in front of the operator. If a team member switches to a holster with a retention device for team duty, that same holster should be used for daily carry, not to mention routine drilling with drawing from the new holster system.
• ACTION TYPE | • ACTION | • EXTERNAL SAFETY | • MAGAZINE SIZE | • MAGAZINE CAPACITY | • EXTRA MAGAZINES: Most of these considerations are covered on my website’s Handgun Selection page.
• CALIBER: Again, a hit with a .380 beats a miss with a 9mm but, if someone can only handle a caliber smaller than that, he is probably better suited for second-line defense rather than team duty.
• AMMO BRAND: Glocks and a few other pistols have hammer-forged barrels that lack toolmarks to transfer. If team members and local LE carry such guns, in the same calibers, the local agency may have feelings as to whether the team members should carry the same ammo as its officers when it comes to trying to identify whose bullets are recovered from an assailant.
While most major brands of hollowpoint ammunition should perform adequately, solid bullets such as full metal jacket (FMJ) should generally be avoided due to the risk of exits that may impact bystanders.
Even the top brands make mistakes. Each round should be inspected visually to ensure that bullets and primers are correctly oriented without damage to the case. One of my newsletter members actually weighs each round, setting aside for range use any round that varies by more than one grain (64.8 mg) from the average value.
Repeated trips up the feed ramp of an autoloading firearm of the same round may drive the bullet deeper into the case or loosen the crimp. This is discussed in greater detail on my website’s Ammunition Selection page.
• WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHT: Tough question. I’d say no for team members who can operate a flashlight separate from the gun. The issue with weapon-mounted lights is the temptation to search with the muzzle—a Rule Three violation. And, in a crowded house of worship, it may not be as practical to reflect the beam of a weapon-mounted light off a floor, ceiling, or wall as it would be inside a private home. On the other hand, a well planned attack could involve cutting electrical power so some form of user-portable light is advisable. Chemical light sticks are an option and red tends not to degrade night vision.
• LONG GUNS: A .223/5.56mm round will go through soft body armor but, particularly with bullets of 55 grain or less, is unlikely to exit a human target. Whether they can be stored securely and discreetly but still accessible may be a challenge. I believe there is at least one aftermarket offering that converts an AR-system rifle to a folding stock, allowing carry in something like a briefcase. In pistol caliber, there is S&W’s FPC (Folding Pistol Carbine) and KelTec recently released the Gen3 version of its folding SUB2000. (In some churches, it may not seem out of place to secrete a long gun in a guitar case.)
I would discourage the use of shotguns due to the risk of stray pellets with buckshot loads (somewhat mitigated out to 15 yards in manually operated 12-gauge guns with Federal’s FliteControl tactical loads) and the uncertainty of whether a slug will find enough resistance not to exit a human chest.
Overall, I can’t emphasize enough that volunteers are likely to cover a range of skill and prior training and that that should be a factor in the roles they are assigned. As I suggested earlier, marksmanship demands may not be as high for those assigned to confined areas such as vestibules as for those who watch over the seated congregation.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Treasure Trove of Gun Information: The Defensive Use of Firearms Website ]
KEITH GRAVES, Founder and Trainer of Christian Warrior Training
• OVERVIEW: Choosing the right firearm for church security is important, as lives may depend on this decision. Below are my recommendations based on years of experience as a firearms trainer, research, and interviews with law enforcement and individuals who have been in self defense shootings.
• BRAND: Any quality brand that consistently delivers reliability and avoids quality control (QC) issues is ideal. Proven brands like Glock, HK, and Smith & Wesson are excellent choices. While Sig Sauer, Springfield, and Ruger produce some good firearms, they have faced QC concerns in the past. When selecting a firearm, remember that your life and the lives of others may depend on it—invest in a proven combat handgun.
• STYLE: A mid-size or full-size duty weapon is optimal for church security. Through interviews with over 100 officers involved in shootings, including undercover narcotics detectives, the consensus was clear: smaller, concealment-focused guns are not as effective in combat situations. Those who have faced armed confrontations in churches expressed the same sentiment—when they were in their self-defense shooting, all wished they had a bigger handgun.
• OPTICS/SIGHTS: A red dot sight is highly recommended. While some struggle initially with finding the dot, this is a training issue, not a hardware problem. With regular practice, you’ll become proficient, and the advantages are undeniable. Red dots improve accuracy, extend effective range, and allow faster target acquisition, especially under stress. Opt for a high-quality red dot, as cheaper options often fail when needed most.
• CARRY METHOD: Outside-the-waistband (OWB) holsters are ideal for a quicker draw and better access. While inside-the-waistband (IWB) holsters offer better concealment, they can slow your draw in high-stress situations. The carry method should balance concealment with accessibility, based on your role and environment.
• ACTION TYPE: A striker-fired pistol is optimal for its simplicity and consistent trigger pull. This ensures ease of use under stress, making it an ideal choice for both experienced and newer carriers.
• MAGAZINE CAPACITY | • EXTRA MAGAZINES: At least 15 rounds is recommended and carry at least one extra magazine.
• CALIBER: 9mm, .40 caliber, or .45 ACP are all excellent choices. Avoid smaller calibers like .380 or .32, as they often lack the stopping power required in critical incidents.
• AMMO BRAND: Stick to rounds with a proven track record in law enforcement shootings, such as Speer Gold Dot, Hornady Critical Duty, or Federal HST. These rounds have demonstrated reliability and effectiveness in real-world scenarios. Avoid boutique rounds with untested performance.
• WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHT: A weapon-mounted light is essential. In active shooter training, we often find participants struggling to navigate dark rooms, especially when light switches are hard to locate. A mounted light allows you to identify threats and safely clear rooms without unnecessary delays.
• Firearm: A quality-branded, striker-fired pistol (mid-size or full-size duty weapon).
• Optics: A quality red dot sight.
• Ammo Capacity: At least 15 rounds.
• Holster: OWB preferred for speed; IWB for better concealment if required.
• Light: Weapon-mounted light for low-light situations.
• Ammo: Reliable, tested brands like Speer Gold Dot, Hornady, or Federal HST.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Interview with Keith Graves of Christian Warrior Training ]
DEL KOSTANKO, Founder and Trainer of Blue Arrow Consultants
• OVERVIEW: My point of view is from the range, tactical, and undercover officer perspective.
• BRAND: No opinion other than it must be a high quality firearm. Needless to say, lives are at stake and you get what you pay for in regards to quality.
• STYLE: Full sized is ok if the safety team encourages open carry, or if the team member is larger statured and able to conceal the firearm. Compact is more concealable yet can offer almost as much firepower. Possessing smaller firearms decreases accuracy, lethality, and the number of rounds that the firearms can hold
• OPTICS/SIGHTS: User preference, though red dots have really come into favor with many police departments. Firearms instructors report that officers are able to shoot faster and with improved accuracy compared to standard sights.
• CARRY METHOD: User preference, though the user must be able to quickly and safely draw their firearm. They must also be able to re-holster it quickly and safely.
• ACTION TYPE: User preference, though semi-autos do have a much greater ammunition capacity.
• ACTION: User preference.
• EXTERNAL SAFETY: Users of semi-autos must be able to quickly disengage their safeties, and re-engage them when necessary, without causing an accidental discharge. Range time is vital, as users keeping their fingers off of their triggers prior to shooting is also fundamental to safety.
• MAGAZINE SIZE: User preference.
• MAGAZINE CAPACITY: User preference. Much will depend on the caliber of the firearm.
• EXTRA MAGAZINES: Encouraged.
• CALIBER: The caliber should be large enough to quickly stop a threat with proper shot placement. Recommended calibers are:
• Revolvers: .38, .357, and .44
• Semi-autos: 9mm, 10 mm, .40, .45
• AMMO BRAND: High quality ammo. Hollowpoints are recommended to minimize the overpenetration of rounds and maximize the expansion of the rounds into the threat. Practice ammo should not be used except during target practice.
• WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHT: If possible, it is recommended that the firearm have a light mounted on it. Additionally, the user must extensively practice manipulating the light on and off so as to not cause an accidental discharge. If a light is unable to be mounted on the firearm, safety team members must be able to incorporate the use of a flashlight with their firearm.
• HOLSTER: A good holster is paramount to safely carrying a concealed firearm. Depending on the carry method, the holster must be able to quickly and smoothly allow the drawing of the firearm. A thumb release on the holster is recommended, as it helps prevent the disarming of the user during a scuffle.
• TRAINING: The best equipment in the world is useless if the safety team members do not adequately train with their equipment. Training oneself to not index (touch) their firearm while carrying it concealed, as well as checking oneself in the mirror for tell-tale lumps and bumps caused by the firearm, is also helpful to maintaining the low visibility of team members.
• BODY TYPES: The firearm, carry method, holster, and other related equipment should complement the safety team members’ body type. Large statured team members will be able to conceal larger firearms and more magazines on their person than a smaller statured person. Additionally, the length of time the team member will be on duty, and the weather, should be taken into consideration. Discomfort is a distraction to their assigned duty.
• FIREARM MAINTENANCE: All team members’ firearms should be cleaned, lubed, and function checked on a regular basis. Carrying a firearm in a concealed fashion may lead to dirt, lint, and other debris interfering with the workings of the firearm. Members should also ensure that the batteries for red dot sights and flashlights are newer and reliable.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Tactical Training for Individuals and Church Security Teams to Thwart Active Violence Incidents (Part 1) ]
MATT WITTE, Church Safety Consultant at Blue Arrow Consultants
• OVERVIEW: I echo what Del said. I’ll provide input from a church security team leader viewpoint.
• BRAND: We leave that to the individual because their hand knows best, with the exception of no Hi-Points.
• STYLE: Compact is ideal for what I like to see, full-size is great, but can be hard to conceal. Sub-compact either is a small caliber or few rounds.
• CARRY METHOD: Most do IWB, outside is ok for a team perspective during the colder months. Ankle is a good backup.
• ACTION TYPE: All the team members I’ve worked with used semi-auto. No opinion here.
• EXTERNAL SAFETY: As far as that goes, user preferences. Just as long as they’re practicing often with clicking safeties off. And have great finger control.
• MAGAZINE SIZE: Single stack or double stack, either is fine with me.
• MAGAZINE CAPACITY: Standard issues magazine or slight extension is all I would allow.
• EXTRA MAGAZINES: I asked that everyone carry at least 1 spare mag, no more than 3.
• AMMO BRAND: User preferences; just had to be hollowpoint; made it very clear that we never kept practice rounds in our firearms.
• WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHT: If the user had the ability to have a mounted light with an appropriate holster, that was ideal. However, we always made sure we carried an actual flashlight as well for many reasons.
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: From my perspective, we are not a military task force. I needed my church security team to be in plain clothes with fully concealed firearms. If your weapon was too large to do that, something needed to change. 6-7 rounds may help for a moment, but that moment will fade quickly and you are left helpless in a firefight.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Interview with Matt Witte, Church Safety Consultant ]
[ Read SemperVerus articles on the topic of CHURCH SECURITY ]

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02/22/2025[…] Read the SemperVerus article, Church Security Armament Recommendations By Tom Givens, John Correia, and 6 Other Professionals […]