Self-Defense Training Directory
The knowledge you acquire when you learn how to drive a car translates into safety and confidence every time you use the car. The same is true with firearms and their use in self-defense. Just as cars are dangerous machines when driven irresponsibly, so, too, are firearms when handled without the proper care, attention, and education they deserve.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, The 4 Basic Rules of Gun Safety ]
A gun is only as good as the training of its owner. Firearm triggers don’t pull themselves; they require someone to interfere with the physics law of inertia: if a body is at rest, it will remain at rest unless it’s acted upon by a force. That force (us) should be responsibly trained in basic—as well as advanced—gun safety rules, and self-defense principles and law. The following resources offer that training.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Directory of Firearm Podcasts & Video Channels ]
- Read the SemperVerus article, The 4 Basic Rules of Gun Safety
- Gun Culture 2.0 Articles on Training
- Active Response Training
- Active Self Protection Training
- Active Self Protection Videos
- Advanced Performance Shooting
- Agile/Training & Consulting
- American Warrior Society
- American Warrior Society Training
- American Warrior Society Coffee with Rich
- ARMA Training
- The Armed Citizen (NRA)
- Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network – Journal
- Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors
- Blue Arrow Consultants
- The Bodyguard’s Bible
- Citizen-Defender
- Citizens Defense Research