VI – Self-Defense

Video: How a Glock and an AR-15 Work

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Video: How a Pump Shotgun, Bolt-Action Rifle, and AK-47 Work ]

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Checklist: Matters to Consider When Deciding on a Handgun ]

[ Read the SemperVerus article, The 4 Basic Rules of Gun Safety ]

Invite SemperVerus® to present its 5 life-changing success-generating components—prepare, aware, be, know, do—to your organization to inspire and motivate your members.

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Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps

As of 2022, the number of permits issued by USA states for citizens to legally carry concealed weapons numbered more than 22 million, according to the Crime Prevention Research Center.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, 7.6% of USA Adults Are Licensed to Concealed Carry Handguns ]

Each state has its own qualifications and statutes governing the practice of concealed carrying. As a result, the USA consists of a complex patchwork of concealed carry legislation that unsuspecting responsible law-abiding armed self-defenders can easily be ignorant of and in danger of unwittingly and innocently violating.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, USA State Constitutions Providing for Armed Self-Defense ]

See USCCA's interactive Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws By State

Source: USCCA interactive Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws By State

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Concealed Carry Daily Prayer ]

Concealed Carry Daily Prayer

More than two-thirds of Americans pray and a majority pray every day. According to a 2014 Pew Research Center survey, 55% of Americans say they pray every day, 16% say they pray weekly, and 6% pray monthly: add them together for a total of 77% of USA citizens say they talk to God in prayer.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Spiritual Fitness in the USA Military ]

And according to a LifeWay Research survey, most Americans who pray (83%) think at least some of their prayers are answered. Their topic of prayer focuses mainly on their family and friends (82%) or their own problems (74%).

Chart: What People Pray For

Depending on God for guidance and protection are common themes of everyday prayer. And since carrying a firearm for self-defense is such a high responsibility, it makes sense to turn to the highest power to request divine care in properly meeting that commitment.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Jeff Cooper’s Principles of Personal Defense ]

Here’s a prayer by SemperVerus® you may want to say when you arise every morning:

Concealed Carry Daily Prayer

My Father in Heaven, your will be done.
I pray today that I will love you with all my passion, character, intellect, and muscle and that I will humbly love the people with whom I come in contact.
Help me to be a disciplined peacemaker—a wise discerner of good from evil—proactively alert and aware of my spiritual and physical surroundings.
I pray I will never be forced to use my weapon. But if I must as only the last resort in self-defense, make me courageously fast and accurate to stop the attack.

(Concepts for this prayer are taken from Matt. 6:9-14, Mark 12:30-31; Heb. 12:14; Phil. 1:9-11; 1 Pet. 5:8-9; and 1 Cor. 16:13-14)

[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Prayer for Church Security Team Members ]

Invite SemperVerus® to present its 5 main strategic principles—prepare, aware, be, know, do—to your organization to inspire and motivate your members.

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A Directory of Firearm Podcasts & Video Channels

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Self-Defense Training Directory ]

Invite SemperVerus® to present its 5 life-changing success-generating components—prepare, aware, be, know, do—to your organization to inspire and motivate your members.

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