I – Prepare

Self-Defense Includes First-Aid Defense: Turn to ProTrainings to Learn

If you volunteer on a church security team, or if you want to acquire the skill for your own and your family’s well-being, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about first-aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Directory of Medical Kit Resources ]

Co-founded by classroom CPR instructor Roy Shaw, ProTrainings was started in 2003 to teach CPR training to healthcare professionals, as well as everyday citizens, using the convenience of a computer with video-based courses rather than only in a classroom. Today its Blended CPR program (use discount code CPR-SemperVerus) includes live video conference evaluations and a patented single-use home-shipped mannequin having a chest compression feedback mechanism (the lungs inflate, chest resistance is felt, audio feedback is given during compressions, and necessary head-tilt motions can be performed to demonstrate all essential CPR skills) for simulated CPR training to offer students in-home skills evaluations, making ProTrainings the most compliant (and convenient) CPR course available online.

Emergency Communication Plans for Churches

When (not if) your church experiences an emergency or critical incident—such as a destructive tornado, a grave medical episode, or an active killer crisis—clear, rapid, and frequent communication with your congregation, public safety agencies, and local news media is necessary to maintain order, prevent further injury, and provide strong leadership.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Prayer for Church Security Team Members ]

This article on Religious Product News, written by Protect His House, will help you create and implement an emergency communication plan tailored to your church’s needs.

Its main points are:

Video: The Role of Armed Citizens in Active Violence Incidents

The complex topic of armed citizens in active violence incidents is discussed in the video below by a panel of law enforcement and emergency response experts on the vodcast YouTube Channel of the National Center for Integrated Emergency Response (NCIER).

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Concealed Carry Daily Prayer ]

The video discussion includes:
      Potential benefits and risks of armed citizen intervention
      The critical importance of proper training and ongoing skill maintenance
      Legal and ethical considerations for carrying and using firearms
      Proper interaction with law enforcement in post-incident scenarios

Significant Six EDC for Self-Defense in Terrorist Times

We live in dangerous times. Not only do we need to protect ourselves from civilian criminals who want to rob us and run, we need to be ready to defend ourselves from trained enemy combatants living among us who are bent on nothing less than killing as many people as possible.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Chart: The Spectrum of Potential Threat Personas in Self-Defense and Church Security ]

They weaponize anything to accomplish their objective, from fashioning everyday items into shrapnel-infested bombs, to renting cars, vans, and trucks with the goal of viciously mowing down pedestrians, whether in broad daylight or during night-time celebrations.

[ Read articles in the SemperVerus category of SITUATIONAL AWARENESS ]

With that in mind, we should reconsider what our basic Every Day Carry (EDC) items should consist of to properly be prepared for possible violent threats as we go about our daily activity. SemperVerus suggests these Significant Six categories as fundamental to bear in mind: