Situational Awareness: What Are You NOT Seeing?
Situational awareness is intentionally being aware of possible threats in your everyday surroundings. But there’s more to it than what is obviously observable.
You need to also ask yourself, “What am I NOT seeing?”
That question comprises two sub-questions:
- “What IS there that I SHOULD be seeing but I’m NOT seeing it?” and
- “What ISN’T there that SHOULD be there that I’m NOT seeing?”
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Situational Awareness: 14 Ways to Walk Like You Drive ]
“Looking isn’t the same as seeing. You have to focus attention on something in order to become aware of it,” says Prof. Daniel Simons. “We know when we notice something unexpected, but we’re not aware of the times when we miss something unexpected….We need to filter out the distractions from our world and not let them interfere with our ability to do the task we’re trying to do.”
In self-defense situational awareness, it’s important to “filter out the distractions” and focus on both what IS in front of our eyes and what SHOULD be in front of our eyes but isn’t. Take the challenges in the videos below and see how attentive you are.