Video: The Role of Armed Citizens in Active Violence Incidents
The complex topic of armed citizens in active violence incidents is discussed in the video below by a panel of law enforcement and emergency response experts on the vodcast YouTube Channel of the National Center for Integrated Emergency Response (NCIER).
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Concealed Carry Daily Prayer ]
The video discussion includes:
• Potential benefits and risks of armed citizen intervention
• The critical importance of proper training and ongoing skill maintenance
• Legal and ethical considerations for carrying and using firearms
• Proper interaction with law enforcement in post-incident scenarios
Or watch it here.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Firearms Training: A Directory of Shooting Drills ]
The following are highlights of the video conversation:
• When you decide to carry a firearm for self-defense, you’re making a commitment to responsibly and regularly train to use it safely and legally.
[ Read SemperVerus articles on the subject of TRAINING ]
• When assessing a situation to determine if it’s a deadly force threat, weigh the following target discrimination protocol to look for reasons NOT to shoot:
• FACE: Determine if the person is familiar to you and you can identify as friendly.
• WHOLE BODY / HANDS: Are there police badges, markings, etc., that identify the person as a friendly. Just because the person might have a gun in his hand doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad guy.
• BELT / WAISTLINE: Badges can be here as well. Look for guns/holsters here.
• IMMEDIATE AREA: Is there a weapon leaning against the wall or on a table by the person that could be a threat.
• DEMEANOR: Is the person exhibiting threatening mannerisms or vocalizing menacing tones and words.
[ See the links to Personal Training and Church Security Training websites in the SemperVerus Self-Defense Training Directory ]
• There’s no such thing as “a miss;” every shot hits something, whether it’s what you intended to hit or you mistakenly hit. You’re responsible for every bullet that leaves your gun.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Self-Defense Legal Insurance Options ]
• After the threat is stopped, the armed citizen should holster his gun or separate himself from it, having a non-threatening posture (don’t have anything in your hands, not even your phone; don’t argue; etc.), showing himself to be unarmed and compliant when the police arrive, so they don’t mistake him for the bad guy.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Tactical Training for Individuals and Church Security Teams to Thwart Active Violence Incidents (Part 2) ]
• When you carry, keep your magazine full (you’ll need to account for every missing round after a shooting incident). Use hollow point bullets. Know why you carry the ammo you do; know the size, grain, and muzzle velocity of your ammo. The police will ask.
[ Get the SemperVerus booklet, The Case for Biblical Self-Defense ]
• Firearm safety, proper gun manipulation, defensive shooting strategy and tactics, situational awareness, first aid/trauma care, legal ramifications are some elements of vital training. (It’s not the weapon that makes the defender succeed; it’s the defender’s superior training and mental acuity.)
[ Read the SemperVerus article, IDPA: Practical Training for Self-Defense and Church Security ]
• The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) previously used the term “Priority of Life” (POL) to describe the order in which to prioritize people in a critical incident. The POL was a ranking system that prioritized people in the following order: Hostages/victims, Innocent bystanders, Public safety personnel, and Suspects. The NTOA now uses the term “Safety Priorities” instead of POL. The concept is the same, but the term “Safety Priorities” is preferred because it emphasizes that prioritization should be based on a person’s ability to remove themselves from danger. For example, a hostage has little ability to remove themselves from danger, while a suspect has the most ability to do so.
[ Read SemperVerus articles on the topic of CHURCH SECURITY ]
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